How it works

Discover Metrorower
The largest urban bike system in Poland! A modern app, flexible rentals, that's just the beginning...

Log in or create a new account in the Metrorower app
To use Metrorower, you need to register an account and top it up or link a payment card.

Rent by scanning the QR code on the bike
To rent a bike, scan the QR code or enter the bike number. The wheel lock will open automatically.

To end the ride, lock the rear wheel lock
Closing the lock automatically ends the active ride in the Metrorower app. Otherwise, the ride will not be concluded.

Return the bike at the racks at the Metrorower station.
Returns outside stations are permitted but incur additional fees based on the zone.

By integrating with Transport GZM, you gain free minutes for travel.
Buy selected Transport GZM tickets and use the Metrorower 60 minutes a day free of charge.
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